Does Online Dating Lead to a Better Marriage? [Love Strategies Podcast]
By Nina Atwood
Does online dating result in a better marriage? For the first time, a new study reveals that online dating is no longer just for losers and misfits. It is a viable way to find a soul mate. In this podcast of Love Strategies, Nina looks at all the latest findings about online dating, the good, the not so good, and the great. Find out the top 3 reasons why online dating can increase your odds of a better marriage.
Also in this show: what do you do when a guy (who seems normal and nice) doesn’t plan ahead? How do you handle it when he texts you the day that he wants to see you and asks if you’re busy? How can you change his behavior without driving him away? Also covered in this show: what do you do when your seemingly perfect five month relationship suddenly starts to circle the drain? Can you bring it back, and if so, how do you do it?
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Entry Filed under: Advice for Men,Advice for Women,Dating,Marriage,Podcasts,Relationships
1 Comment
1. MB | December 6th, 2013 at 8:22 pm
The way to deal with texting is to stop texting. I tell men that I don’t text and have never had a problem with it.