Why We Love Fifty Shades of Grey [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

Fifty Shades of GreyWhy is the book Fifty Shades of Grey still topping the bestsellers list? Why is it such a huge phenomenon? What is the emotional chord that it touches in so many women? This Love Strategies show is all about the book and why it is that we - women - love Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s not what you think! It’s not just the sex, it’s the bad boy fascination. Also on the show - a brand new study that reveals what makes women so attracted to bad boys. You will be shocked at the answer to that age old question.

Also on this episode of Love Strategies, listen to the questions that other listeners ask. Your story may be a lot like someone else’s! Angela wonders why she runs away from relationships and toward her career. Linda follows up on her dilemma with her secretive and absent boyfriend.


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Entry Filed under: Advice for Women,Dating,Podcasts,Relationships,Sex/ Sexuality


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