Dating the Not Yet Divorced Guy [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

Afro american coupleWhat happens when you meet someone who isn’t quite divorced YET? And that’s usually what they say: “I’m not divorced yet” instead of “I’m married.” Should you date that person or take a pass? If you choose to get involved, can it work? Should it work? There are layers to this issue, and we’ll unpeel them in this show. Also on this show: should you date someone who is not quite on your level? When you feel like you’re about to settle, it’s time to take step back and figure out what is driving your decision. The real issues behind feeling like you are not on the same level may surprise you. Money, education, social status, property – there are so many ways to weigh the implications of lifestyle and who contributes what. But you may need to think about this in an entirely new way in order to protect yourself from future devastation.

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Entry Filed under: Advice for Men,Advice for Women,Dating,Divorce,Marriage,Relationships,Sex/ Sexuality


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