Stayover Relationships and Toddler Love [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

New studies highlight a so-called new trend: Stayover Relationships. The question raised by these studies is this: “Do stayover relationships interfere with the path to marriage?” But is this really a new trend, and does it really impact the decision to marry? Couples have been “staying over” for decades – meaning that they maintain separate homes but spend three or more nights per week at one place or the other. Find out from Nina why staying over might not be a bad idea, and also what to watch out for if your relationship follows this trend.

Also in this podcast, find out what couples author Steve Stosny calls “toddler love.” Understand what it is, how it impact relationships, and how can you can avoid shooting yourself in the foot in a new relationship.

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Entry Filed under: Advice for Men,Advice for Women,Dating,Marriage,Podcasts,Relationships


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