Love Addiction [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

Have you ever loved someone who could not or would not move forward and make a real commitment? Did you ever find yourself in the position of holding onto someone who caused you more pain than happiness? Do your friends tell you that you are settling? Do you know what it feels like to believe that the person you love is the ONLY person you could ever love that much, so that you have no objectivity, no ability to choose in or choose out? Do you talk endlessly to your friends and family about all the problems in your relationship, re-hashing every painful moment, yet feel powerless to either change it or move on?

If you have a pattern of getting into relationships with people who cannot or will not meet your needs, yet you cannot let go of them, you might be suffering from love addiction. Find out what the signs and symptoms are, as well as what you can do to begin your recovery.

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Entry Filed under: Advice for Men,Advice for Women,Dating,Personal Growth,Podcasts,Relationships


  • 1. Marion  |  July 20th, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    Ms. Atwood, I attempted to listen to the podcast “Love Addiction” and it only went up to 7:49 seconds before cutting off. Where is the rest of the podcast? I’d like to finish listening to it.

  • 2. Nina Atwood  |  July 22nd, 2012 at 10:16 am

    Hi Marion: It is working perfectly from my computer, so I don’t know why you are having this problem. It may be a bandwidth issue from your ISP, or some other (hopefully) temporary glitch. Please try again.

  • 3. Marion  |  July 24th, 2012 at 2:26 am

    Nina, it’s fixed. I was able to listen to the podcast tonight. I loved it! Thanks so much.

  • 4. Giant Comfort » 3 Things &hellip  |  October 28th, 2012 at 6:27 am

    The other risk with teenage sex is learning unhealthy patterns of relating. Due to the immaturity of partners at that age, it’s likely that you will ride the emotional roller coaster up and down with the drama of being on one week and off the next. This creates highs and lows not unlike the ones associated with drug use. Because the brain is still forming as a teenager, you can cement an impression that this is normal for relationships, causing you to seek partners later in life with whom you re-create that instability. Sometimes that leads to a syndrome called Love Addiction.


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