Am I Right For Him? [Love Strategies Podcast]
By Nina Atwood
Am I right for him? This is the unconsciously asked question that gets women into big trouble with men. You may not realize it, but you may be operating through this filter in your relationships. Initially, he’s totally into you, and that feels wonderful! But what happens a few weeks or months later when he seems to pull away emotionally? How do you handle it when his attention and intention fall off? How do you react when he begins to subtly (or not-so-subtly) criticize you, making suggestions about how you can lose weight, cut your hair, and more? Listen to this podcast for Nina’s advice on how to begin and remain in an empowered position in all your relationships. Never again should you have to feel “less than” with any guy. Instead, you can have the experience of being cherished.
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Entry Filed under: Advice for Women,Dating,Personal Growth,Podcasts,Relationships