Dating the Not-Yet-Divorced Guy [Love Strategies Podcast]

 By Nina Atwood

Can you date someone who is not at your level? If you have ever dated someone who you feel is not at your level, or you are not at theirs - financially, or lifestyle – listen up! Financial mastery makes a big difference in relationships, and we all need to address this tough issue. Maybe you have suffered financially in recent years, or maybe your heart hasn’t been as open as it could be. If you look in the mirror and you don’t feel entirely great about what you see, it’s time to take a second look. Or, you may feel like you repeatedly choose people who don’t measure up in some way. Here’s a way to re-frame those situations so that you choose your equal and feel great about it.

Also in this show: He’s everything you ever dreamed of: smart, funny, and sexy! He shares your interests and values – you’re so connected – you feel like you have finally found your soul mate. He’s also not-yet-divorced. Can it work? Should it work? Find out what works and what doesn’t when the person you’re falling in love with is not [yet] divorced.

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Entry Filed under: Advice for Women,Dating,Podcasts,Relationships


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