Looking for Mr. Right And Feeling Like Mrs. Wrong

 By Nina Atwood

Karen has a long history of being abandoned or rejected by men. The latest, Seth, asked her out four times and seemed really attracted to her. He took her to nice restaurants, opened her door, and even kissed her good night. Then he stopped calling. What went wrong? she wondered.

Before Seth there was Henry, whom she dated for eight months exclusively. Wondering where their relationship was going, she asked him to declare his intentions and feelings. He refused to answer, talking in circles and not making much eye contact. Shortly thereafter, he told her he “wasn’t ready” for a relationship and broke up. Six months later, she heard he was getting married to someone else. She was devastated.

Karen focuses far too much on trying to be the right person, act the right way, so that a man will love her. She tries too hard to read men, searching for clues about what they want so she can deliver what they want. When they leave, she views it as a failure on her part. Karen is caught in one of the Temptations of the Single Girl: Denial of Her True Desires.

What about you? Are you too focused on what others want instead of what you want? Post your confidential comments below on this dating dilemma.

Entry Filed under: Dating


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