The Bachelorette: Who Will Jillian Choose?

 By Nina Atwood

Now that this season’s bachelorette Jillian is in the home stretch, who will she choose? Will it be Ed, the guy who left, came back, fell asleep during Fantasy Suite night, then ralied by assuring her he won’t let her down? Or will it be Kiptyn, the nice guy whose energy seems to be a good match for Jillian’s?

Reid, the adorable guy who seemed perfect for Jillian, was dumped for not stepping up to the plate with declarations of love and the intention to propose. Is that really so bad? The whole process seems to force people into a pathway to love that is artificial at best, often leaving couples with the difficult task of sorting out truth from fantasy post-show. In the sorting, relationships that seemed rock-solid on the show turn out to be transitional.

Reid’s uncertainty seems more realistic, more grounded, than Ed’s insistence that he’s in love and ready to propose. How can he be so sure after only a few weeks of dating? Or rather, weeks of waiting his turn while she dates several other guys. If you look at the history of the show, only one couple got it right at the get-go: Trista and Ryan. Jillian’s wish for a proposal at the end of the show may get her a ring, but it won’t necessarily net her a solid, lasting relationship. Reid may very well have been the guy to deliver on that, even if he wasn’t ready to pop the question just yet.

How Jillian goes about choosing her final guy will make or break their future relationship. What will be her guide: head or heart? If it’s a heart choice, it will be Ed – the guy she’s been in love with from the beginning, despite his waffling. If it’s a head choice now (with the possibility of more heart later), it will be Kiptyn – the guy who really has it together, who’s been there for her from the beginning, and who is clearly ready to move forward.

Entry Filed under: Dating


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