Getting Out of Your Own Way
By Nina Atwood
What in your life is blocking you from love? Keri thought she was doing everything possible to attract a good man into her life, but somehow it wasn’t happening. Then she asked a coach to help her discover what wasn’t working. Acting on a hunch, the coach asked to see her home and what she found illuminated the situation. Keri’s bedroom looked like that of a teenage girl – all frills, flowers, and even stuffed animals. Her closet was stuffed to the hilt with no room for a guy to hang his clothes there. The rest of her home exactly mirrored Keri’s highly feminine stance. In short, there was no room for masculinity in Keri’s life.
With coaching, Keri began to grow up as a woman. She had to overcome her fear of masculinity coming into her life and be willing to embrace change. She recycled her flowers and frills and chose decor that was a balance of male and female energy. Not surprisingly, Keri met her soul mate shortly thereafter and they are now planning their wedding.
What is blocking you from love? Ask someone objective to take a look at your life and how it is set up. Does it invite someone in or does it scream STAY AWAY? Does it allow for change, flexibility, and growth, or does it say I’M PERFECTLY FINE JUST THE WAY I AM AND I DON’T NEED ANYONE MESSING UP MY SAND BOX?
Remove the blocks in your life if you want love to really flow in your direction. Be willing to let go of things that you’ve clung to in the past if you want a new person. Get a coach to help you – contact us at SinglesCoach and we’ll guide you on the path to growth.
Entry Filed under: Personal Growth